News & Events

Niue Language Week


We have celebrated Niue Language Week. The goal was to raise cultural awareness and to honour the indigenous language of the coral island using dance and song.

In Aotearoa, about 12 per cent of natives speak Niuean which is classified by UNESCO as a “definitely endangered language”. Niue boasts a population of about 1700 people with nearly 30,000 Niueans living in New Zealand. The Governor General of New Zealand is also Niue’s Governor General.

In 1900, Niue chiefs gained British Protectorate status and the following year, the coral island was annexed to New Zealand. In 1974, Niue gained self-government in free association with Aotearoa. Niueans are self-governed but retain New Zealand citizenship.

Have a go at saying these Niuean words this week:

  • Hello: Fakalofa atu
  • Good morning: Monuina e pogipogi
  • Goodbye (to one person): Koe kia
  • Have a nice day: Monuina e aho
  • Please: Fakamolemole
  • Thank you: Fakaue
  • How are you?: Malolō nakai a koe?
  • Food time!: Magaaho Kai!

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