Our NZ Certificate in Building Regulatory Environment (BRE) in-class stream of students had the opportunity to see their learning in practice on a building site recently.
The Building Regulatory Environment programme teaches learners skills in administration and support services so they can assist in building control operations and compliance processes either in a Building Consent Authority environment or in aligned industry organisations.
Site visits allow students to understand how the Building Code is put into action in the real world. Our most recent site visit was to create a mock inspection called a Preline Build on a site in Long Bay, on Auckland’s North Shore.
The site is owned by one of our learners, Yiyang (Grant) Lu. Learners were given a site inspection checklist to work through at the site. The checklist covered real and relevant questions that learners need to be able to answer in order to succeed in their programme and in the industry.
Learners also had access to Grant’s current consented plans. Overall all our students enjoyed the experience and showed great enthusiasm.