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Micro-credentials shared with overseas audience

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Head of Information Technology, Dr Farhad Mehdipour, has given an online talk about Future Skills Academy’s IT micro-credentials to an audience in China.

Farhad was invited to speak at the 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Technologies in Education held in Xi'an, China.

His talk focused on the IT team’s experience developing and delivering micro-credentials at Future Skills.

He said the structure of micro-credential programs is different from traditional course structures as the goal is to provide learners with working knowledge and skills within a short period of time so that they can immediately use these in practice.

“Therefore, it is essential that they are learning up-to-date knowledge and techniques,” says Farhad.

In his talk, he gave an overview of the collaborative approach used for facilitation of these courses to ensure that learner expectations were met.

“Academics and industry experts from several organisations collaboratively participate in the planning and preparation of the course resources as well as the delivery,” says Farhad.

Learners work on real-world projects and get the opportunity to acquire feedback from industry experts who are actively using these technologies in their day-to-day jobs.

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