People will be singing and dancing to boost the country’s vaccination rates this Saturday. A special Vaxathon will hit television screens across Aotearoa from 12 to 8 pm to celebrate Super Saturday on 16 October.
The national event aims to get 100,000 people jabbed with the Covid-19 vaccine at clinics all over the country. Presented by celebrities and health experts, the Vaxathon will capture the action at the clinics which will open all day and into the evening.
The Vaxathon will be broadcast on multiple platforms, including TV3, Māori Television and on Hahana’s Facebook page, from midday to 8pm.“Everyone across the motu has a role to play to protect Aotearoa against Covid-19 by getting vaccinated, and we’re calling for a massive collective effort to make this happen," says Tamati Sheppard-Wipiiti, Group Manager of Equity for the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 Vaccine and Immunisation Programme. “By far the biggest and most powerful weapon we have in our fight against COVID-19 is vaccination – so we really need everyone from our whānau, families and communities to step up and play their part, and to help us reach those who have not yet come forward.”
You can read all about Super Saturday and find your nearest vaccine clinic here.