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Using micro-credential lessons in daily work

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Huyen Vu is putting the skills she gained during her Business Intelligence micro-credential to good use in her academic administration job.

Huyen has just finished a Business Intelligence micro-credential focused on interpreting data for decision-making.

She has a background in research. She has previously worked as a lecturer at Vietnam National University and is now an academic administrator at the University of Auckland.

“That's the reason why I am interested in data analysis, it’s a vital part of doing research.”

She says the best thing about her micro-credential was learning how to use Excel Power Query and Power Pivot to wrangle and explore data.

“I have used Excel frequently for my job, but I have never learned about Power Query and Power Pivot.”

She had previously developed an overview of the stages of data processing, but now she has a much better idea of what data analysts do.

“I am thankful to the dedicated teaching staff who are enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Under their guidance, I have completed the course successfully and become more keen to learn about data analytics.”

For her project, Huyen chose to work on a dataset provided by the Ministry of Education to look into the international enrolments in New Zealand tertiary education.

“The project was divided into three parts with three reports. By completing it, I have gone through all the stages of data processing.”

Huyen hopes to learn more about data analytics to become a research assistant in the future.

“At the moment, the skills and knowledge from the course are helpful for me in handling grade distribution and creating pivot tables and charts, which are parts of my daily work.”

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