A Business Intelligence student has explored the impact of Covid-19 on student retention.
Minoo Verghese recently completed our Data for Decision Making course. The course is one of three micro-credentials in our Business Intelligence suite.
Minoo has an extensive academic background. She has master’s degrees in science, professional business studies, and marketing and HR. However, she didn’t have any IT experience, prior to enrolling in the Business Intelligence micro-credential.
She says the best thing about the course was the way students were guided through each step of the process while also having the independence to do things for themselves.
For her micro-credential, Minoo completed a project all about the effects of Covid-19 on school leavers in New Zealand.
She looked at an extensive database of over 347,000 records and 27 variables.
“I probably would be able to do a thesis on this if I were to pursue the study at a PhD level,” she says.
She looked at student retention following the pandemic across fields including ethnicity, gender, level, and region.
“It has been interesting for me and I will probably go on further in learning more and use it for my personal development in my career.”