Faalolo Tuifalefa is unlocking the door to new job opportunities alongside her children at Future Skills Academy. The solo mother of six, son Decca, 19 (pictured) and daughter Sinta, 22, graduate soon from our free English, Maths and Digital Skills programme at Royal Oak.
Faalolo took the programme to achieve her potential in the workplace. “I want to learn more English so I can understand how to communicate with others and get a good job.” The 42-year-old adores gaining new IT skills as well as improving her English in class. “I get to practise my listening and speaking skills. It’s a lot of fun.”
Samoa-born Faalolo and her children decided to enrol in the programme after moving to New Zealand. “My son knows just a little bit of English,” she says. “I know some English. But I want to explain more about what I am thinking in my heart because it’s hard for me to speak out.”
The family enjoys the convenience of walking to the programme every morning from Royal Oak where they stay with relatives. “They support us to take classes and get a good education to make sure we get good jobs,” Faalolo says.
She earlier abandoned plans to study when her family endured tough economic times. “My dad passed away in 1986 when I was seven. I wanted to be a teacher but because of the lack of money that mum had, I couldn’t afford the training. Then I got a job and a husband.”