News & Events

He Tangata No fear No barriers

He Tangata group news image

Health graduates have celebrated their success in a moving event at our Royal Oak campus.

Selected students shared their stories at the occasion, He Tangata No fear No barriers, and spoke about their learning journey with Future Skills Academy. The healthcare heroes talked about what inspired them to persevere to complete their programme, the NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Caregiving) (Level 2).They expressed how studying helped them to become better role models for their friends, family and members of the community.

They shared the knowledge and skills they gained from the programme and how this had changed their lives for the better, says Health Lecturer Maria Oxenham who hosted the event. “Drawing on strength not only from their lecturer but also their peers created a force to power through right to the finish line. The number one motto in the Health and Wellbeing Level 2 class is no stress.”

Guest speaker John Kaire conveyed his inspirational story of recovery after a serious accident in 2020 while working at the Ports of Auckland. He fell four storeys, broke both hips, crushed both arms, fractured his spine and sustained head injuries. He was forced to have his leg amputated. “John shared he had to create a positive plan for himself as his parents spiritually told him his time was not up. John was inspired by the testimonies from students and how their stories will help him to continue with his journey.”

Congratulations to our healthcare graduates for not giving up!






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